Company name Balchem Corporation
Stock ticker BCPC
Live stock price [stckqut]BCPC[/stckqut]
P/E compared to competitors Good


Employee productivity Fair
Sales growth Fair
EPS growth Poor
P/E growth Poor
EBIT growth Good


Confident Investor Rating Fair
Target stock price (TWCA growth scenario) $50.87
Target stock price (averages with growth) $56.58
Target stock price (averages with no growth) $32.94
Target stock price (manual assumptions) $53.59

The following company description is from Google Finance:

Balchem Corporation (Balchem) is engaged in the development, manufacture, distribution and marketing of specialty performance ingredients and products for the food, nutritional, feed, pharmaceutical and medical sterilization industries. The Company operates in four segments: SensoryEffects, Animal Nutrition & Health (ANH), Specialty Products and Industrial Products. Its SensoryEffects segment provides creamer systems, dairy replacers, powdered fats, nutritional beverage bases, beverages, juice and dairy bases, chocolate systems, ice cream bases and variegates, grain-based snacks and cereal-based ingredients. ANH segment provides basic choline chloride, and microencapsulation and chelation technologies-based nutritional products. Specialty Products segment provides ethylene oxide and propylene oxide products. Its Industrial Products segment provides Choline Chloride and methylamines. The Company sells its products through its own sales force, independent distributors and sales agents.


Confident Investor comments: At this time, I think that a Confident Investor can cautiously invest in Balchem Corporation as long as the price is correct. Most of the fundamentals of this company are good but there are some concerns. I will be removing Balchem from my Watch List.

If you would like to understand how to evaluate companies like I do on this site, please read my book, The Confident Investor. You can review the best companies that I have found (and I probably invest my own money in most of these companies) in my Watch List.

How was this analysis of Balchem Corporation calculated?

For owners of my book, “The Confident Investor” I offer the following analysis (you must be logged in to this site as a book owner in order to see the following analysis). If you have registered and cannot see the balance of this article, make sure you are logged in and refresh your browser.
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In order to assist you in using the techniques of this book, the values that I used when calculating the Manual pricing above were:

  • Stock price at the time of the calculation: $58.82
  • Growth: 0.08
  • Current EPS (TTM): $1.78
  • P/E: 33
  • Future EPS Calc: $2.61
  • Future Stock Price Calc: $86.3
  • Target stock price: $53.59

I hope that this makes you a Confident Investor.

Company name ABIOMED, Inc.
Stock ticker ABMD
Live stock price [stckqut]ABMD[/stckqut]
P/E compared to competitors Fair


Employee productivity Good
Sales growth Good
EPS growth Good
P/E growth Good
EBIT growth Good


Confident Investor Rating Good
Target stock price (TWCA growth scenario) $153.31
Target stock price (averages with growth) $169.57
Target stock price (averages with no growth) $77.13
Target stock price (manual assumptions) $151.03

The following company description is from Google Finance:

Abiomed, Inc. is a provider of temporary percutaneous mechanical circulatory support devices. The Company offers care to heart failure patients. The Company’s products include Impella 2.5, a percutaneous micro heart pump with an integrated motor and sensors; Impella CP, which is primarily used by either interventional cardiologists to support patients in the catheter lab or by surgeons in the heart surgery suite; Impella 5.0 and Impella LD, a percutaneous micro heart pumps with integrated motors and sensors for use primarily in the heart surgery suite; Impella RP, a percutaneous catheter-based axial flow pump that is designed to allow greater than four liters of flow per minute; AB5000, a circulatory support system for the temporary support of acute heart failure patients in profound shock, and Symphony, a minimally invasive implantable cardiac assist device.


Confident Investor comments: At this price and at this time, I think that a Confident Investor can confidently invest in ABIOMED, Inc..

If you would like to understand how to evaluate companies like I do on this site, please read my book, The Confident Investor. You can review the best companies that I have found (and I probably invest my own money in most of these companies) in my Watch List.

How was this analysis of ABIOMED, Inc. calculated?

For owners of my book, “The Confident Investor” I offer the following analysis (you must be logged in to this site as a book owner in order to see the following analysis). If you have registered and cannot see the balance of this article, make sure you are logged in and refresh your browser.
[s2If current_user_can(access_s2member_level1)]

In order to assist you in using the techniques of this book, the values that I used when calculating the Manual pricing above were:

  • Stock price at the time of the calculation: $99.23
  • Growth: 0.2
  • Current EPS (TTM): $0.85
  • P/E: 115
  • Future EPS Calc: $2.11
  • Future Stock Price Calc: $243.23
  • Target stock price: $151.02

I hope that this makes you a Confident Investor.

While you are enjoying the beginning of summer with a 3-day weekend. Please do not forget why you are not working today.

Remember those who served. All gave some and some gave all they had.