Company name | ResMed Inc. |
Stock ticker | RMD |
Live stock price | [stckqut]RMD[/stckqut] |
P/E compared to competitors | Fair |
Employee productivity | Fair |
Sales growth | Good |
EPS growth | Good |
P/E growth | Poor |
EBIT growth | Good |
Confident Investor Rating | Fair |
Target stock price (TWCA growth scenario) | $51.22 |
Target stock price (averages with growth) | $70.95 |
Target stock price (averages with no growth) | $54.32 |
Target stock price (manual assumptions) | $44.58 |
“ResMed Inc. (ResMed), is a holding company for the ResMed Group. The
Company, through its subsidiaries, is a developer, manufacturer and
distributor of medical equipment for treating, diagnosing, and managing
sleep-disordered breathing and other respiratory disorders. Sleep-disordered
breathing (SDB), includes obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), and other
respiratory disorders that occur during sleep. It has developed a number of
products for SDB and other respiratory disorders including airflow
generators, diagnostic products, mask systems, headgear and other
accessories. Its manufacturing operations are located in Australia,
Singapore, France and the United States. Major distribution and sales sites
are located in the United States, Germany, France, the United Kingdom,
Switzerland, Australia, Norway and Sweden. On October 1, 2009, it acquired
100% of Laboratoires Narval SA. Laboratoires Narval manufactures and
distributes a mandibular repositioning device (MRD). ”
Confident Investor comments: At this time, I think that a Confident Investor can cautiously invest in this stock as long as the price is correct. Most of the fundamentals of this company are good but there are some concerns.