If you are trying to build your net worth by investing, then you need to worry about how much you spend on a daily basis. To quote Benjamin Franklin, “A penny saved is a penny earned” (yes, I know that it is not very likely that Mr. Franklin coined that phrase). By not over-spending you will have more money to put into your investments which allow your net worth to increase dramatically.
An article by Free WordPress Lessons caught my eye and you may want to jump over and take a look. They have many ideas to save money and they are in the following categories:
- Getting cash back on online purchases
- Daily deal sites
- Coupon sites
- Getting rid of cable TV
- Deal aggregation sites
- Price comparison sites
- Saving money on travel
- Auction & classified ad sites
- Budgeting / saving money / coupon blogs
Under each category are many links and descriptions. I can almost guarantee that you will find a site that you didn’t know about (I found several). It is definitely worth your time to jump over and read the article if you are concerned about getting the most value out of your dollar and increasing your savings.