Company name Microsoft Corporation
Stock ticker MSFT
Live stock price [stckqut]MSFT[/stckqut]
P/E compared to competitors Good
Employee productivity Good
Sales growth Poor
EPS growth Poor
P/E growth Poor
EBIT growth Poor
Confident Investor Rating Poor
Target stock price (TWCA growth scenario) $19.16
Target stock price (averages with growth) $22.99
Target stock price (averages with no growth) $25.12
Target stock price (manual assumptions) $29.56

Confident Investor comments: At this price and at this time, I do not think that a Confident Investor can confidently invest in this stock.

A core component of accumulating wealth with investments is to acknowledge that you must give back to society. I strongly urge everyone that I advise that they should give 10% of their earnings to charity. I do not care if it is to United Way, your church/synagogue, or some other charity that you feel strongly about.

When you invest, you are using your mind to create a profit for you. You are analyzing the psychology of the world to take advantage of an opportunity to grow your income. By the very fact that you are blessed with extra cash to invest and the mental awareness and acuity to realize market opportunities, you owe it your fellow man to be generous to others.

I do not feel this is a religious conversation. It is a matter of being blessed and therefore helping out others that are not so blessed.

I am embarrassed and disappointed that US Vice President Joe Biden has elected to give away so little of his income. He donated under $4,000 to various charities (none very significantly) and gave away some old clothes to Goodwill.  Mr. Biden donated a measly 1.5% to those less fortunate than himself.

I do not feel that this is good leadership nor adequate understanding. This is very disappointing.

I will not comment on Mr. Biden’s poor income from his investments. As a Senator and now a Vice President, he probably should not actively trade stocks the way I advise others to do.

Company name KB Home
Stock ticker KBH
Live stock price [stckqut]KBH[/stckqut]
Confident Investor Rating Poor

Confident Investor comments: At this price and at this time, I do not think that a Confident Investor can confidently invest in this stock. It is not possible to confidently invest in a company that is not currently profitable.

Company name United States Steel Corporation
Stock ticker X
Live stock price [stckqut]X[/stckqut]
Confident Investor Rating Poor

Confident Investor comments: At this price and at this time, I do not think that a Confident Investor can confidently invest in this stock. It is not possible to confidently invest in a company that is not currently profitable.

Company name Service Corporation International
Stock ticker SCI
Live stock price [stckqut]SCI[/stckqut]
P/E compared to competitors Good
Employee productivity Poor
Sales growth Poor
EPS growth Good
P/E growth Poor
EBIT growth Good
Confident Investor Rating Fair
Target stock price (TWCA growth scenario) $14.76
Target stock price (averages with growth) $17.86
Target stock price (averages with no growth) $11.63
Target stock price (manual assumptions) $9.36

Confident Investor comments: At this time, I think that a Confident Investor can cautiously invest in this stock as long as the price is correct. Most of the fundamentals of this company are good but there are some concerns.