Company name Goldcorp Inc. (USA)
Stock ticker GG
Live stock price [stckqut]GG[/stckqut]
Confident Investor Rating Poor

The following company description is from Google Finance:

Goldcorp Inc. (Goldcorp) is a gold producer engaged in the operation, exploration, development and acquisition of precious metal properties in Canada, the United States, Mexico and Central and South America. As of December 31, 2012, the Company’s producing mining properties were consisted of the Red Lake, Porcupine and Musselwhite gold mines in Canada; the Penasquito gold/silver/lead/zinc mine, Los Filos and El Sauzal gold mines in Mexico; the Marlin gold/silver mine in Guatemala; the Alumbrera gold/copper mine (37.5% interest) in Argentina; the Marigold (66.7% interest) and Wharf gold mines in the United States. In September 2013, Quaterra Resources Inc sold three properties in central Mexico to Goldcorp Inc.

Confident Investor comments: At this price and at this time, I do not think that a Confident Investor can confidently invest in Goldcorp Inc. It is not possible to confidently invest in a company that is not currently profitable. I have removed Goldcorp from my Watch List.

If you would like to understand how to evaluate companies like I do on this site, please read my book, The Confident Investor.

Company name Fossil Group Inc
Stock ticker FOSL
Live stock price [stckqut]FOSL[/stckqut]
P/E compared to competitors Good


Employee productivity Fair
Sales growth Good
EPS growth Good
P/E growth Fair
EBIT growth Good


Confident Investor Rating Good
Target stock price (TWCA growth scenario) $120.81
Target stock price (averages with growth) $167.32
Target stock price (averages with no growth) $141.23
Target stock price (manual assumptions) $116.08

The following company description is from Google Finance:

Fossil Group, Inc., formerly Fossil, Inc., a global designer, marketer and distributer company that specializes in consumer fashion accessories. The Company’s offerings include a line of men’s and women’s fashion watches and jewelry, handbags, small leather goods, belts, sunglasses, soft accessories and clothing. Its products are distributed globally through various distribution channels, including wholesale in countries where it has a physical presence, direct to the consumer through its retail stores and commercial websites and through third-party distributors in countries where the Company do not maintain a physical presence. It operates in four different segments: the North America Wholesale segment, the Europe Wholesale segment, Asia Pacific Wholesale segment and the Direct to Consumer segment. On December 31, 2012, the Company purchased substantially all of the assets of Bentrani Watches, LLC (Bentrani).


Confident Investor comments: At this price and at this time, I think that a Confident Investor can confidently invest in Fossil Group Inc.

If you would like to understand how to evaluate companies like I do on this site, please read my book, The Confident Investor. You can review the best companies that I have found (and I probably invest my own money in most of these companies) in my Watch List.

How was this analysis of Fossil Group Inc calculated?

For owners of my book, “The Confident Investor” I offer the following analysis (you must be logged in to this site as a book owner in order to see the following analysis). If you have registered and cannot see the balance of this article, make sure you are logged in and refresh your browser.
[s2If current_user_can(s2member_level1)]
In order to assist you in using the techniques of this book, the values that I used when calculating the Manual pricing above were:

Stock price at the time of the calculation: $110.72

Growth: 0.12

Current EPS (TTM): $6.63

P/E: 16

Future EPS Calc: $11.68

Future Stock Price Calc: $186.94

Target stock price: $116.08

I hope that this makes you a better investor. [/s2If]